I’ve made a parametric turbine case avaliable. Thank’s to my company Minesto for letting me do that.
I’ve done a parametric turbine using Ruby scripting language,
Have set up script for running the entire simulation using cfMesh for volume meshing, OpenFOAM for simulating fields. Openscad for watertunnel-geometry.
The turbine geometry has pitch as input parameter, you can easily modify to suit your needs.
The simulation has watertunnel size as input parameter.
It’s a steady state MRF model and it runs in 5-10 minutes on a i7-processor. Refine to suit your needs…
Readme file:
Author to this method is Bjorn Bergqvist. Please refer to me or communicate if you use the turbine geometry model in your work. Prerequisites: OpenFOAM 2.?.? (used by 3_run_simulation.sh) cfMesh (used by 2_create_volume_mesh.sh) OpenSCAD (used by 2_create_volume_mesh.sh, tunnelfactor 1 is already generated) Ruby 2 with spliner gem (for splined pitch, otherwise any Ruby will do) (install with: "gem install spliner") Description of files and directories: Allrun Run through script 1_ to 3_ 1_create_geometry.sh Not necessary to run. Turbine geometry with pitchmod=0 is already generated in geom/turbine.stl. Usage: ./1_create_geometry <pitchmod> were <pitchmod> is modification of turbine blade pich if you are unsure: use pitchmod=0 2_create_volume_mesh.sh Usage: ./1_create_volume_mesh.sh <tunnelfactor> where <tunnelfactor> is the size of the tunnel where the turbine is simulated if you are unsure: use tunnelfactor=1 3_run_simulation.sh Usage: ./3_run_simulation.sh <tunnelfactor> will run on 4 cpus (change in decomposeParDict and 3_run_simulation.sh for other cpu count) post_moment_table.sh Averages moments and forces from 990 to 1000 iterations. Allclean Removes generated mesh and simulation. turbine_geometry The Bjorn Bergqvist(C) turbine geometry. cfMesh.template Directory with files used by cfMesh. simpleFoam.template Directory for simulation (steady state, MRF)